HTML5 3D Cube Slideshow

HTML5 3D Cube Slideshow

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HTML5 3D Cube Slideshow

HTML5 3D Cube Slideshow

Our new tutorial tells us about creation of animated 3D Cube slideshow (pictures are located within the walls of the cube). The cube itself rotates continuously.

Here are our demo and downloadable package:

Live Demo
download in package

Ok, download the source files and lets start coding !

Step 1. HTML

This is markup of our result slideshow page. Here it is.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>HTML5 3D Cube Slideshow | Script Tutorials</title>
        <link href="css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
        <script src="js/script.js"></script>
            <h2>HTML5 3D Cube Slideshow</h2>
            <a href="" class="stuts">Back to original tutorial on <span>Script Tutorials</span></a>
        <canvas id="slideshow" width="1280" height="800"></canvas>

Step 2. CSS


That file available in package (because it just contains styles of page layout)

Step 3. JS


var canvas, ctx;
var aImages = [];
var points = [];
var triangles = [];
var textureWidth, textureHeight;
var lev = 3;
var angle = 0;

// scene vertices
var vertices = [
    new Point3D(-2,-1,2),
    new Point3D(2,-1,2),
    new Point3D(2,1,2),
    new Point3D(-2,1,2),
    new Point3D(-2,-1,-2),
    new Point3D(2,-1,-2),
    new Point3D(2,1,-2),
    new Point3D(-2,1,-2)
// scene faces (6 faces)
var faces  = [[0,1,2,3],[1,5,6,2],[5,4,7,6],[4,0,3,7],[0,4,5,1],[3,2,6,7]];

function Point3D(x,y,z) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;

    this.rotateX = function(angle) {
        var rad, cosa, sina, y, z
        rad = angle * Math.PI / 180
        cosa = Math.cos(rad)
        sina = Math.sin(rad)
        y = this.y * cosa - this.z * sina
        z = this.y * sina + this.z * cosa
        return new Point3D(this.x, y, z)
    this.rotateY = function(angle) {
        var rad, cosa, sina, x, z
        rad = angle * Math.PI / 180
        cosa = Math.cos(rad)
        sina = Math.sin(rad)
        z = this.z * cosa - this.x * sina
        x = this.z * sina + this.x * cosa
        return new Point3D(x,this.y, z)
    this.rotateZ = function(angle) {
        var rad, cosa, sina, x, y
        rad = angle * Math.PI / 180
        cosa = Math.cos(rad)
        sina = Math.sin(rad)
        x = this.x * cosa - this.y * sina
        y = this.x * sina + this.y * cosa
        return new Point3D(x, y, this.z)
    this.projection = function(viewWidth, viewHeight, fov, viewDistance) {
        var factor, x, y
        factor = fov / (viewDistance + this.z)
        x = this.x * factor + viewWidth / 2
        y = this.y * factor + viewHeight / 2
        return new Point3D(x, y, this.z)

// array of photos
var aImgs = [
for (var i = 0; i < aImgs.length; i++) {
    var oImg = new Image();
    oImg.src = aImgs[i];

    oImg.onload = function () {
        textureWidth = oImg.width;
        textureHeight = oImg.height;

window.onload = function(){
    // creating canvas objects
    canvas = document.getElementById('slideshow');
    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

    // prepare points
    for (var i = 0; i <= lev; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j <= lev; j++) {
            var tx = (i * (textureWidth / lev));
            var ty = (j * (textureHeight / lev));
                tx: tx,
                ty: ty,
                nx: tx / textureWidth,
                ny: ty / textureHeight,
                ox: i,
                oy: j

    // prepare triangles ----
    var levT = lev + 1;
    for (var i = 0; i < lev; i++) {
        for (var j = 0; j < lev; j++) {
                p0: points[j + i * levT],
                p1: points[j + i * levT + 1],
                p2: points[j + (i + 1) * levT],
                up: true
                p0: points[j + (i + 1) * levT + 1],
                p1: points[j + (i + 1) * levT],
                p2: points[j + i * levT + 1],
                up: false


function drawScene() {
    // clear context
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);

    // rotate scene
    var t = new Array();
    for (var iv = 0; iv < vertices.length; iv++) {
        var v = vertices[iv];
        var r = v.rotateY(angle);
        //var r = v.rotateX(angle).rotateY(angle);
        var prj = r.projection(ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height, 1000, 3);

    var avg_z = new Array();
    for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
        var f = faces[i];
        avg_z[i] = {"ind":i, "z":(t[f[0]].z + t[f[1]].z + t[f[2]].z + t[f[3]].z) / 4.0};

    // get around through all faces
    for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
        var f = faces[avg_z[i].ind];

        if (t[f[3]].z+t[f[2]].z+t[f[1]].z+t[f[0]].z > -3) {

            // draw surfaces
            ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(160,180,160)";

            // draw stretched images
            if (i < 4) {
                var ip = points.length;
                while (--ip > -1) {
                    var p = points[ip];
                    var mx = t[f[0]].x + p.ny * (t[f[3]].x - t[f[0]].x);
                    var my = t[f[0]].y + p.ny * (t[f[3]].y - t[f[0]].y);
                    p.px = (mx + p.nx * (t[f[1]].x + p.ny * (t[f[2]].x - t[f[1]].x) - mx)) + p.ox;
           = (my + p.nx * (t[f[1]].y + p.ny * (t[f[2]].y - t[f[1]].y) - my)) + p.oy;

                var n = triangles.length;
                while (--n > -1) {
                    var tri = triangles[n];
                    var p0 = tri.p0;
                    var p1 = tri.p1;
                    var p2 = tri.p2;

                    var xc = (p0.px + p1.px + p2.px) / 3;
                    var yc = ( + + / 3;

                    ctx.moveTo((1.05 * p0.px - xc * 0.05), (1.05 * - yc * 0.05));
                    ctx.lineTo((1.05 * p1.px - xc * 0.05), (1.05 * - yc * 0.05));
                    ctx.lineTo((1.05 * p2.px - xc * 0.05), (1.05 * - yc * 0.05));

                    // transformation
                    var d = p0.tx * (p2.ty - p1.ty) - p1.tx * p2.ty + p2.tx * p1.ty + (p1.tx - p2.tx) * p0.ty;
                        -(p0.ty * (p2.px - p1.px) -  p1.ty * p2.px  + p2.ty *  p1.px + (p1.ty - p2.ty) * p0.px) / d, // m11
                         (p1.ty * + p0.ty  * ( - - p2.ty * + (p2.ty - p1.ty) * / d, // m12
                         (p0.tx * (p2.px - p1.px) -  p1.tx * p2.px  + p2.tx *  p1.px + (p1.tx - p2.tx) * p0.px) / d, // m21
                        -(p1.tx * + p0.tx  * ( - - p2.tx * + (p2.tx - p1.tx) * / d, // m22
                         (p0.tx * (p2.ty * p1.px  -  p1.ty * p2.px) + p0.ty * (p1.tx *  p2.px - p2.tx  * p1.px) + (p2.tx * p1.ty - p1.tx * p2.ty) * p0.px) / d, // dx
                         (p0.tx * (p2.ty *  -  p1.ty * + p0.ty * (p1.tx * - p2.tx  * + (p2.tx * p1.ty - p1.tx * p2.ty) * / d  // dy
                    ctx.drawImage(aImages[i], 0, 0);

    // shift angle and redraw scene
    angle += 0.3;
    setTimeout(drawScene, 40);

At the first, I have defined all vertices and faces (walls) of our virtual cube. Then I have defined rules of rotating. After – the most difficult thing – transformation of images with using ‘clip’ and ‘transform’.

Live Demo
download in package


I hope that today’s 3D html5 cube lesson has been interesting for you. We have done another one nice html5 example. I will be glad to see your thanks and comments. Good luck!



  1. Ok, I have one curiousity: what’s your method for calculating every faces of the cube? Sorry if it seems a silly question, but I can’t see the logic sequence in the code.
    Anyhow, thank you for the stunning trick, even if I don’t have any idea right now about how I could use it, the demonstration is still imperssive. Felicidades.

    • Hi egiova,
      Please pay attention to all the code below:
      for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
      where I draw all these surfaces.

  2. Today to find the code, and came to your site, very happy, the HTML53D cube, is what I need, thanks.

  3. Hi there.
    This is a captivating example and I’ve been playing around with this for a while now.I was just wondering what’s the best way to make the different faces of the cube interactive? Besides changing the pictures ,can you add links to the images etc.
    Fantastic work!

  4. Is it possible to amend the code to allow more than 4 images to rotate? I tried adding additional images onto the array but it only recognizes the first 4.

    • Hi Neil,
      Yes, of course this is possible. But please pay attention that all this code is adjusted to work with 3D cube, look to lines 10-22 of our script.js file. There are vertices and faces of usual Cube object.

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