

Script Tutorials is one of the largest web development communities. We provide high quality content (articles and tutorials) which covers all the web development technologies including HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (and jQuery), PHP and so on. Our audience are web designers and web developers who work with web technologies.


  1. I must say that I am impressed however, all I see really is graphics manipulation with the same old coding methods that have either been sustained or redacted from their actual tag name to make it easdier for todays experts to create web pages on the fly.

    I think much more work is needed to really make an impression on the true craftsmen feel outdated which would require a new skill set of training.

    all it takes is a little time research and positive influence and you will be a master programmer in no time.

    Cheaters will always make your life harder because they can not be what you are trying or already have achived. Learn how to ignore the subordinate group of people that are suseptible to propoganda and set your own trend for “being right is not always cool as being cool is not always right”

    • Well, I guess I’m the only one who agrees with Joseph Hightower. Being an old-school programmer, I can identify with what he’s telling you. Take your talent and challege yourself with it.

      Have you considered programming for Facebook? . By using Facebook Login, requests and Open Graph with a [Unity3D] cross-platform experience,, games are increasing their member base and becoming even more popular.

      The Facebook SDK for Unity can be a game changer for you too. Over 260 Million users are on Facebook just to play the lastest games with their friends. You can be the first one to make game tutorials using the new SDK for Unity cross-platform for all your readers, including me.

      Now that would be both right and cool, don’t you think?


      • Hi Leah,
        Thank you for your comment, yes, I am considering this opportunity to use the Facebook. It would be also great to work inside this company as well.

  2. I must say that I am impressed… without a “however”. The time and energy taken to make this site is very impressive. To have it be accessible to all is selfless. Thank you!
    I am a self learner and I learn what I need to know, when I need to know it. This site is awesome to come to and see “how” things work.
    Thank you for the time you’ve spent setting this site up and keeping it up. There are those who appreciate and understand that this must be an endeavor of love.

    Keep on keeping on!
    Love ya,

  3. I agree with Debbie, you’re site’s RAD :D
    I am 16 year old, and I fancy web-developing. Although I only get time to practise during my weekends and in between lessons, tests, exams and school stress, I think I’m making pretty good progress, but I still need to make something with what I’ve learned. To make something, I need inspiration.
    And I have to tell you that you’re site is very inspiring ^_^ I just love your designs, colours, fonts. Everything working smoothly. It must have not been easy to create this site and add all you’ve been adding to it, good job Mr. Andrew :D
    Also your infographics are very very informative. I’ve learned a lot just by reading the one about Hackers:How they get in, How they got in.
    Again like Debbie, keep up the good work, we’re here following you all the way! :)

  4. I must say I am impressed. I’m not good English, but I will try. This site is awesome and helpful for me.
    If u can post knowledge php mvc i need lern it.
    Thank you for the time. You’re my Hero

    I will to turn pro :)
    Love bro.

  5. Hes an amazing man to work with. Has helped me with lots of problems that i faced while constructing my website. And infact his aura works wonders.. The problems cease to exist…. :)

  6. I have just recently discovered this site and i like the tutorials so far as i am able to figure out some of the things which have been hard for me to implement

  7. I love your web site. I love the high quality and abundance of original content. Even the lists and roundups look like they haven’t just been ‘borrowed’ from other sites. Keep up the good work.

  8. This is an awesome website where you can learn a lot of things.. This is what i was looking for.. Nice Job..!!

  9. Thank you a lot for so wonderful and very quality codes. Your blog is one of the best that I found in the net. Please just keep on working.

    Best regards


  10. Thank you so much. Ever since I first visited your site, my life as a web developer has now been much more easier…I’m already beginning to apply some of the things you teach in my work like your layouts, menus, php etc. Thank you so much. I’m so grateful

  11. Hi Andrew, While searching something for the Pintrest model script of template I came across your website. It is not a justice if I didnt write on your reference. You are blessed with talented where other sell your same concept. You have a brave and generous heard to share your knowledge to other.

    I happen to see a theme similar to Pintrest for $25 dollar. When I came here, you are amazing

  12. Hey, just found your site recently, and I had to say thanks! I never knew how amazing HTML/CSS were, all on their own without any fancy javascript, etc. Your pure CSS tutorials are absolutely amazing and so helpful – I didn’t know those types of things were even possible! I can’t wait until I’ve learned more about javascript, etc so that I can learn/understand more of your tutorials. Keep up the great work, it’s very appreciated!

  13. I like the way your code in just HTML & CSS, unlike other sites that have snippets of code everywhere and I find that hard to follow whilst trying to guess where it goes. Your code I can copy and paste without fear of installing code in the wrong place,
    Many thanks

  14. Andrew, thanks so much! I am 65 learning so much on your website.
    Again, thank you so much for your generosity!

  15. I like the way your code in just HTML & CSS, unlike other sites that have snippets of code everywhere and I find that hard to follow whilst trying to guess where it goes. Your code I can copy and paste without fear of installing code in the wrong place,
    Many thanks

  16. Andrew, thanks so much! I am 65 learning so much on your website.
    Again, thank you so much for your generosity!

  17. Andrew,
    I have been working on Angularjs for quite some time now. Was searching for some interesting snippets when I came across your site. Simple and effective :-)
    Wonderful job ! Keep going man !

  18. Hi Andrey,
    Came across your site and thought maybe you could help me out. I purchased an HTML5 audio/mp3 player with playlist from CodeCanyon.com and I can’t seem to get it to work with my site. I have a Moto CMS Flash site but it allows HTML to placed with their HTML widget. I uploaded the files to my server/File Manager but I really don’t know where they should go? I’m a newbie at putting my website together so I figured Moto CMS would be a lot easier cause most thing are drag and drop. But this player is giving me a complete HEADACHE!!
    My website is done but I pulled it down to add this. If you could give me some direction or help it would be highly appreciated.
    Eric Isles
    Uplifted Productions, LLC

    • Hi E.I,
      I think that all these issues should be on personal level. Current page is not intended to address these issues. Please contact me PM and we will think about it.

  19. Hi there,
    Recently I Installed Ubuntu and when I use your “HTML5 Audio player with playlist’ tutorial” page, it does’t work but it works in Windows.
    Do you have any solution?

    Thank you

    • Hi Linz,
      Thank you for your answer, however please consider a relevant page to discuss our tutorials next time.

  20. Hi AramisGC,
    I like your website and I am also very much interested in your work of HTML5 Facebuilder, I wanna buy one and I would like to learn more about :-

    1. Is it possible to add more choice of face parts by myself? say, more hairstyle pngs
    2. Any chance for me to add additional face parts, e.g. ear?
    3. Could I change the language of the buttons?
    4. Could I replace numbers with thumbnail png for the choice of each face parts?

    With best wishes


  21. Would like to learn and develop more massive web apps UI. I hope we have a good set of developers with whom i can work and learn and grow !

  22. hi Andrew
    i like your site…
    its cool…
    Keep going….
    and i had a doubt… its may be silly for you but i am new for web designing & developing.. anyway
    can you please say which js and jquery you may used for this menu..
    actually its cool and when the actual menu came the hovered menu getting disappear and when scrolling down it will appearing itz actually nice and am eager to learn it…
    and thank you…
    eagerly waiting for your reply Andrew….

    • Hi Deepak,
      Frankly speaking, we usually don’t need to use any javascript (including jQuery) for navigation menus, CSS3 is usually enough

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