box-flex property CSS Reference

Definition and Usage

The box-flex property specifies whether the child elements of a box is flexible or inflexible in size.

Tip: Elements that are flexible can shrink or grow as the box shrinks and grows. Whenever there is extra space in a box, flexible elements are expanded to fill that space.

Default value: 0.0 (indicates that the element is inflexible)
Inherited: no
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax:


 box-flex: value;


Value Description
value The flexibility of the element. All flex is relative, e.g. a child with a box-flex of 2 is twice as flexible as a child with a box-flex of 1


#p1 {
    -moz-box-flex:1.0; /* Firefox */
    -webkit-box-flex:1.0; /* Safari and Chrome */
    -ms-flex:1.0; /* Internet Explorer 10 */
    border:1px solid red;
#p2 {
    -moz-box-flex:2.0; /* Firefox */
    -webkit-box-flex:2.0; /* Safari and Chrome */
    -ms-flex:2.0; /* Internet Explorer 10 */
    border:1px solid blue;

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