font-language-override property CSS Reference

Definition and Usage

Normally, authors can control the use of language-specific glyph substitutions and positioning by setting the content language of an element, as described above:

<!-- Display text using S'gaw Karen specific features -->
<p lang="ksw">...</p>

In some cases, authors may need to specify a language system that differs from the content language, for example due to the need to mimic another language's typographic traditions. The ‘font-language-override’ property allows authors to explicitly specify the language system of the font, overriding the language system implied by the content language.

Name: font-language-override
Value: normal | <string>
Initial: normal
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: N/A
Media: visual
Computed value: as specified
Animatable: no


font-language-override : normal | <string>


specifies that when rendering with OpenType fonts, the content language of the element is used to infer the OpenType language system
single three-letter case-sensitive OpenType language system tag, specifies the OpenType language system to be used instead of the language system implied by the language of the element


<body lang="mk">     <!-- Macedonian lang code -->
body { font-language-override: "SRB"; /* Serbian OpenType language tag */ }
<h4>Члeн 9</h4>
<p>Никoj чoвeк нeмa дa бидe пoдлoжeн нa прoизвoлнo aпсeњe, притвoр или прoгoнувaњe.</p>

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