drop-initial-after-adjust property CSS Reference

Definition and Usage

The 'drop-initial-after-adjust' property sets the alignment point of the drop initial for the primary connection point.

Name: drop-initial-after-adjust
Value: central | middle | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | mathematical | <percentage> | <length>
Initial: text-after-edge
Applies to: ::first-letter pseudo element
Inherited: no
Percentages: refer to combined line height size as provided by drop-initial-value
Media: visual
Computed value: specified values (except for initial and inherit)


drop-initial-after-adjust: central | middle | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | mathematical | <percentage> | <length>;


The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'central' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'middle' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'after-edge' of the extended inline box of the element. This may include or not the line-height of the element, depending on the line-stacking-strategy.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'text-after-edge' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'ideographic' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'alphabetic' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'hanging' baseline of the element.
The alignment point is at the intersection of the end-edge of the element and the 'mathematical' baseline of the element.
The computed value of the property is this percentage multiplied by the computed 'line-height' of the element. The alignment point is on the end-edge of the inline box and is offset from the after-edge by the computed value. A value of '0%' makes the text-after-edge the alignment point.
The alignment-point is on the end-edge of the inline box. Its position along the end-edge is offset from the after-edge by the <length> value. A value of '0cm' makes the text-after-edge the alignment point.


.class {
    drop-initial-after-adjust: middle ;

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