border-bottom-left-radius property CSS Reference

Definition and Usage

The border-bottom-left-radius CSS property sets the rounding of the bottom-left corner of the element. The rounding can be a circle or an ellipse, or if one of the value is 0 no rounding is done and the corner is square.

A background, being an image or a color, is clipped at the border, even a rounded one; the exact location of the clipping is defined by the value of the background-clip property.

If the value of this property is not set in a border-radius shorthand property that is applied to the element after the border-bottom-left-radius CSS property, the value of this property is then reset to its initial value by the shorthand property.

  • Initial 0
  • Applies to all elements; but UA are not required to apply to table and inline-table elements when border-collapse is collapse. The behavior on internal table elements is undefined for the moment.
  • Inherited no
  • Percentages refer to the corresponding dimension of the border box
  • Media visual
  • Computed Value two absolute length or percentages
  • Animatable yes, as a length, percentage or calc(); when both values are lengths, they are interpolated as lengths; when both values are percentages, they are interpolated as percentages; otherwise, both values are converted into a calc() function that is the sum of a length and a percentage (each possibly zero), and these calc() functions have each half interpolated as real numbers.
  • Canonical order the unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar


Formal syntax: [ <length> | <percentage> ]{1,2} 
border-bottom-left-radius: radius               /* the corner is a circle    */  E.g. border-bottom-left-radius: 3px
border-bottom-left-radius: horizontal vertical  /* the corner is an ellipsis */  E.g. border-bottom-left-radius: 0.5em 1em
border-bottom-left-radius: inherit


Is a <length> or a <percentage> denoting the radius of the circle to use for the border in that corner.
Is a <length> or a <percentage> denoting the horizontal semi-major axis of the ellipsis to use for the border in that corner.
Is a <length> or a <percentage> denoting the vertical semi-major axis of the ellipsis to use for the border in that corner.


Denotes the size of the circle radius or the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipsis. It can be expressed in any unit allowed by the CSS <length> data types. Negative values are invalid.
Denotes the size of the circle radius, or the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipsis, using percentage values. Percentages for the horizontal axe refer to the width of the box, percentages for the vertical axe refer to the height of the box. Negative values are invalid.


Live example Code
An arc of circle is used as the border
div {
  border-bottom-left-radius: 40px 40px;
An arc of ellipse is used as the border
div {   
  border-bottom-left-radius: 40px 20px;
The box is a square: an arc of circle is used as the border
div {   
  border-bottom-left-radius: 40%;
The box is not a square: an arc of ellipse is used as the border
div {   
  border-bottom-left-radius: 40%;
The background color is clipped at the border
div {
  border-style: black 3px double;
  background-color: rgb(250,20,70);
  background-clip: content-box;


Desktop browsers

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 0.2 -webkit

1.0 (1.0) - 12.0 (12.0)-moz
but with a non-standard name:

9.0 10.5 3.0 (522)-webkit
4.0 4.0 (2.0) 5.0 (532.5)
Percentages 4.0 1.0 (1.0) with a bug (see note) 9.0 10.5 5.0 (532.5)
4.0 (2.0)
Elliptical corners 0.2 3.5 (1.9.1) 9.0 10.5 3.0 (522 )

Mobile browsers

Feature Android Firefox Mobile (Gecko) IE Phone Opera Mobile Safari Mobile
Basic support NA NA NA NA NA

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