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Design Patterns in PHP

0 114935
Patterns in PHP. Today we will discuss design patterns in web development, more precisely - in PHP. Experienced developers are probably already familiar with...

0 19435
Many developers ask this question, trying to understand this dependency injection, other differences, advantages and disadvantages of these AngularJS objects. In this...
JavaScript optimization

0 19270
Who doesn't want to build interactive websites that involve JavaScript for better user attention? Have you experienced the low responsive websites or applications, only...
CRUD Repository Entity Framework

0 25700
In today's lesson we will continue developing backend Web API and our goal is database access. We will be creating CRUD API entry points...
Web scraping

0 20775
Web scraping is not an illegal activity, but that does not mean you can scrape any site you want. There are some sites that...
Logo Designing

0 23760
When you are designing a logo for your online business, blog, or website, then you want it to look professional, appealing, and unique. To...
Backend Web API with C#

0 39015
The question of choosing a language for server backend logic is one of the most important question for almost every developer, especially for a...
Bootstrap one-page template with Parallax effect

34 378360
Bootstrap one-page template with Parallax effect Bootstrap tutorial / parallax scrolling tutorial. It is no secret that the bootstrap is used on many websites now....
Three.js - Working with Cameras

0 63855
Our lessons on webgl continue. Today we review Threejs cameras. Threejs library provides two different cameras: orthographic camera (OrthographicCamera) and perspective camera (PerspectiveCamera). The...

6 107935
HTML5 Canvas 3D Sphere Our new tutorial tells us about creation of animated 3D Sphere (through direct access to pixels of canvas). The sphere itself...


How to Easily Make a PHP Chat Application

172 1374545
How to Easily Make Chat application with PHP + SQL Today I will tell you about creating simple Chat application using our existing login system....
CSS3 Modal Popups