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Three.js – Animated Objects

Animation in 3D space – one of the integral and exciting processes. Animation gives life to your static scene. I think you have already thought about the animation of objects when working with three.js. Yes, animate objects is possible with functions of three.js, we can change the position, size, rotation, and other properties of objects (and their children) in real-time. However, this becomes problematic if we want to change the properties of tens or even hundreds of related objects at once, especially when it comes to three-dimensional animation of the (rigged) characters. In this case, much easier to animate the 3d model in a special editor, and then export the model into a suitable format for loading into three.js. In this lesson we will look at a variety of three-dimensional editors, and we learn how to download our animated models in three.js scene.


How to Easily Make a PHP Chat Application

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How to Easily Make Chat application with PHP + SQLToday I will tell you about creating simple Chat application using our existing login system....
CSS3 Modal Popups