How to make a 3D gallery using javascript

How to make a 3D gallery using javascript

20 150465
3D photo gallery

3D gallery – using javascript

Today we continue JavaScript lessons, and our article will about creating modern 3d photo gallery using pure javascript. We will simulate 3D effect using z-indexes. Via mouse clicking we will moving from one photo to another. And I sure that better to see demo now.

Here are sample and downloadable package:

Live Demo


download in package


Ok, download the example files and lets start coding !

Step 1. HTML

As usual, we start with the HTML.

This is our main page code of 3d gallery.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="js/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div class="example" id="gall">
    <img src="images/pic1.jpg"><span>Picture 1 title<br>and description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic2.jpg"><span>Picture 2 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic3.jpg"><span>Picture 3 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic4.jpg"><span>Picture 4 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic5.jpg"><span>Picture 5 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic6.jpg"><span>Picture 6 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic7.jpg"><span>Picture 7 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic8.jpg"><span>Picture 8 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic9.jpg"><span>Picture 9 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic10.jpg"><span>Picture 10 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic11.jpg"><span>Picture 11 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic12.jpg"><span>Picture 12 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic13.jpg"><span>Picture 13 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic14.jpg"><span>Picture 14 description.</span>
    <img src="images/pic15.jpg"><span>Picture 15 description.</span>

As we can see – I put all used images for gallery in ‘images’ folder. All pretty easy here.

Step 2. CSS

Here are used CSS styles:


.example {
    left: 0%;
    top: 0%;
    width: 100%;
    height: 95%;
    background: #333;
    overflow: hidden;
.example img {
    position: absolute;
    background: #666;
    overflow: hidden;
    cursor: pointer;
    left: 100%;
    border-color: #333;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px;
.example span {
    position: absolute;
    color: #efe;
    font-family: verdana;
    font-size: 0px;
    white-space: nowrap;
    left: -999px;
    background: #333;
    /*filter: alpha(opacity=70);
    opacity: 0.7;*/
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);

Step 3. JS

Here are our main control JS file.


to_px = function (x) { return ''.concat(Math.round(x), 'px'); }
g_resize = function() { pgal.resize(); }
var pgal = {
    O : [], N : 0, S : 0, img : 0, span : 0, xm : 0, ym : 0, nx : 0, ny : 0, nw : 0, nh : 0,
    cx : 0, cy : 0, zoom : 1, x : 0, y : 0, z : -30000, xt : 0, yt : 0, zt : 0,
    init : function () {   = this.nw / 2;   = this.nh / 2;
        this.img  = document.getElementById('gall').getElementsByTagName('img');
        this.span  = document.getElementById('gall').getElementsByTagName('span');
        this.N    = this.img.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < this.N; i++) this.O[i] = new this.PGObj(i);;
    resize : function () {
        var o   = document.getElementById('gall');
        this.nx   = o.offsetLeft;
        this.ny   = o.offsetTop;
        this.nw   = o.offsetWidth;
        this.nh   = o.offsetHeight;
        this.zoom = this.nh / 900;
    run : function () { += (pgal.xm - * .1; += (pgal.ym - * .1;
        pgal.x  += (pgal.xt - pgal.x)  * .05;
        pgal.y  += ( - pgal.y)  * .05;
        pgal.z  += (pgal.zt - pgal.z)  * .1;
        var i = pgal.N;
        while (i--) pgal.O[i].anim();
        setTimeout(, 16);
    PGObj : function (n) {
        this.n                = n;
        this.x                = pgal.zoom * Math.random() * pgal.nw * 3 - pgal.nw;
        this.y                = pgal.zoom * Math.random() * pgal.nh * 3 - pgal.nh;
        this.z                = Math.round(n * (10000 / pgal.N));
        this.w                = pgal.img[n].width;
        this.h                = pgal.img[n].height;
        this.oxt              = pgal.span[n];
        this.oxs              =;
        this.txt              = pgal.span[n].innerHTML;
        this.oxt.innerHTML    = "";
        this.obj              = pgal.img[n];
        this.obs              =;
        this.obj.parent       = this;
        this.obj.onclick      = function() {; }
        this.obj.ondrag       = function() { return false; } = = Math.round(1000000 - this.z);
        this.F                = false;
        this.CF               = 100;
        this.sto              = [];
        this.anim = function() {
            var f = 700 + this.z - pgal.z;
            if (f > 0) {
                var d               = 1000 / f;
                var X               = pgal.nw * .5 + ((this.x - pgal.x - * d);
                var Y               = pgal.nh * .5 + ((this.y - pgal.y - * d);
                var W               = d * this.w * pgal.zoom;
                var H               = d * this.h * pgal.zoom;
                this.obs.left       = to_px(X - W * .5);
              = to_px(Y - H * .5);
                this.obs.width      = to_px(W);
                this.obs.height     = to_px(H);
                this.oxs.visibility = (this.CF-- > 0 && Math.random() > .9) ? "hidden" : "visible";
                this.oxs.left       = to_px(X - W * .5);
              = to_px(Y + H * .5);
                if ((pgal.zt - pgal.z) < 20) {
                    if (! this.F) {
                        this.F            = true;
                        this.CF           = Math.random() * 200;
                        this.oxs.fontSize = to_px(1 + d * 20 * pgal.zoom);
                        var T             = "";
                        var tn            = this.txt.length;
                        for(var i = 0; i < tn; i++) {
                            T = T.concat(this.txt.charAt(i));
                            this.sto[i] = setTimeout('pgal.O['.concat(n, '].oxt.innerHTML = "', T, '";'), Math.round(f / 4) + 10 * i);
                } else {
                    this.F = false;
                    this.oxt.innerHTML = "";
            } else {
                this.x  = pgal.zoom * Math.random() * pgal.nw * 3 - pgal.nw;
                this.y  = pgal.zoom * Math.random() * pgal.nh * 3 - pgal.nh;
                this.z += 10000;
                this.oxs.zIndex = this.obs.zIndex = Math.round(1000000 - this.z);
        this.cto = function() {
            var i = this.txt.length;
            while (i--) clearTimeout(this.sto[i]);
        } = function() {
            var i = pgal.N;
            while (i--) pgal.O[i].cto();
            if (pgal.S != this) {
                pgal.xt = this.x;
       = this.y;
                pgal.zt = this.z;
                pgal.S  = this;
            } else {
                pgal.S   = 0;
                pgal.zt += 1600;
// event handlers
window.onresize = g_resize;
document.onmousemove = function(e) {
    if (window.event) e=window.event;
    pgal.xm = (e.x || e.clientX) - pgal.nx - pgal.nw * .5;
    pgal.ym = (e.y || e.clientY) - pgal.ny - pgal.nh * .5;
window.onload = function() {

This is most interesting and important part of our gallery. Our photo gallery object (pgal) contain next functions: init, resize and run. During resize we re-saving all current positions of gallery object. In initialization we perform initialization of all main params and objects (images and span text objects). Each photo object (PGObj) have own set of variables, and few main functions – for animation and onclick handling.

Live Demo


Today we prepared interesting 3d gallery, sure that was interesting to you. If is you were wondering – do not forget to thank us. I would be grateful for your interesting comments. Good luck!



  1. Sweet. Interestingly the SPAN tag for image description doesn’t show in Chromium, but does in FF4 and Opera 11.10. The code is there in the Inspector, but the contents of the SPAN is removed. Huh?

    • 2Onyx: I can`t confirm, I checked just now (again) in Chrome (recently downloaded it and install) – so, all working fine, and spans with description too.
      You also can install to Chrome plugin – firebug light, which will able to inspect most interesting places ;-)

  2. There is a bug, when you click on the image that is already passed but still possible to click on it. After clicking – image description remains HUGE instead of returning to normal.

  3. it’s so cool, really I’m looking for this script for my private personal blog because I have thousands of picture to share

    PS: if there’s thousands of pictures, this script will run slowly?

  4. Hi Andrey – Do you have an email address where I can write to you about this work and discuss a related project I am involved in? Thanks in advance.

  5. It´s amazing the human capacity for creating useful stuffs…great, man, great !!

    From Brazil, Paraíba state.

  6. WOW. This is awesome. Just what i’ve been looking for to use on my new project. Great piece. thumbs up!

  7. The plugin is awsome. But it is only working for me when I go to the link of the page directly. I am making a website which works in ajax. The direct links are done using php. While the navigation within the site is ajax. When I go to that page directly it works. But if I go to it by using the ajax navigation it is not working

    • Hello Kenneth,
      It is possible that you will need to re-initialize it once your ajax navigation opens this page. Please pay your attention to window.onload code

  8. Good evening

    I was just navigating and searching on google then happily found this usefull site,
    really ,really very intersting,very impressing work.
    an intersting 3D javascript gallery,Thank you so much for this code,I learned so
    much from your work.

    Thanks……so MUCH!
    Ridone, with my great respect to you.

  9. Really impressed by the gallery. Can you please provide a simple explanation of the javascript file you made.

  10. Amazing work.. Many, many thanks, i used it in my website :
    I hope i can make the touch-dragging work with some tweakings .
    Thanks for the nice work

  11. Great gallery! But can you tell me: how to make image caption with link? When I trying to insert tag “a” into “span” it doesn’t appear. Thanks.

    • Hi Alexander,
      You may implement your idea with using of ‘onclick’ event handler for ‘span’ objects.

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