10 Fresh iPhone Tutorials For Developers

10 Fresh iPhone Tutorials For Developers

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10 Fresh iPhone Tutorials For Developers

10 Fresh iPhone Tutorials For Developers

I have selected new fresh tutorials for web developers who are going to learn about making applications for iPhone. These tutorials are for different developers (and for beginners and for advanced). You can use it as some insporation for your future projects. Hope you find it useful for you!

1. How To Create Cool Effects with Custom Shaders in OpenGL ES 2.0 and Cocos2D 2.X

Shaders may very well be the biggest step forward in computer graphics since the introduction of 3D into games. They allow programmers to create completely new effects and take full control of what’s seen on the screen. If you aren’t using shaders yet, you will be after reading this tutorial.
Cool Effects with Custom Shaders in OpenGL and Cocos2D

2. Table View Application in iPhone

In this application we will see how to content delete , edit from the Table View. So let see how it will worked.
Table View Application in iPhone

3. Storyboard app with Core Data

The application we will be making will be fairly simple. We will start with an empty project and design our core data layout (including some default data) which will be used in the main application and a login page. On successful login we will then display a table with a bunch of entries and associated thumbnails. We will include the ability to add and delete entries, and to use the camera to take the photo for each entry (or choose from an album).
Storyboard app with Core Data

4. KMLViewer

Demonstrates how to display KML files on top of a MKMapView. It shows how to use MapKit’s Annotations and Overlays to display KML files on top of an MKMapView.

5. How to Integrate the Finite State Machine Compiler With Cocos2D

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a simple enemy AI with the FMS, Mr. CaveMan it’s beating someone!
How to Integrate the Finite State Machine Compiler With Cocos2D

6. Appcelerator SDK: Creating iPhone Transitions

The iPhone SDK comes with a variety of native iPhone transitions that can be used in your iPhone applications. The Appcelerator API makes it even easier to implement those transitions in your iPhone application. During the course of this tutorial, you will learn how to implement various transitions and also learn a bit about how to use model view controllers.
Appcelerator SDK: Creating iPhone Transitions

7. Design & Build a Small Business App: Custom Detail Views

Welcome to the last of a three part series of tutorials where I show you how to design an iPhone App for small business clients from scratch. In this final lesson, I will teach you how to create and theme a custom detail view describing a company’s services.
Design & Build a Small Business App: Custom Detail Views

8. Building an iPhone chat app from the ground up

In this article, work through the entire process of building an iPhone chat application from the server all the way to the user interface on the front end.
Building an iPhone chat app from the ground up

9. How To Create A Simple 2D iPhone Game with OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLKit Part 1

In this tutorial series we’re going to take the simple 2D “pew-pew ninja” game from our beginner Cocos2D tutorial and implement it completely in OpenGL ES 2.0, with GLKit!
How To Create A Simple 2D iPhone Game with OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLKit Part 1

10. Creating a RSS Feed Reader

Creating an RSS reader for iphone is a great way to learn about the language. In this tutorial we’re going to create a rss reader that can also play podcasts. Such application will require us to download and parse a rss feed, display the data in a table and play a remote podcast. In this article I assume a minimal knowledge of cocoa programming, but you should be able to follow even if this is the first time you’re coding an iphone application.
Creating a RSS Feed Reader



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